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    IEC 61131-3 编程语言
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The open and multi-vendor capable programming standard for IEC 61131-3 compliant automation was fully realized using the OpenPCS programming system. You have your own optimized programming interface for all 5 programming languages. The integrated project management assists you to seamlessly manage and to structure complex projects.

You decide how to set up your application:

  • Instruction List
  • Structured Text
  • Ladder Diagram
  • Continuous Function Chart
  • Sequential Function Chart

Whether graphic or textual, whether electrician or computer scientist, every user has a familiar and intuitively utilizable programming interface. You can get started straightaway with the accompanying demo-program. With OpenPCS you have the free choice of language for different program components within your project.

Create each component in the programming language best suited for it. The project browser ensures, that you maintain the overview. Consistent modularization of the source text and the re-utilization of program elements are substantially facilitated for you. Accordingly, you achieve your goal quickly and effectively. If you don’t have the manual available, the integrated online help is quickly at hand.

In addition to the extensive standard IEC 61131-3 compliant functions we provide you with a number of proven, manufacturer-specific function components for programming. The continuous integration of CANopen is a decisive advantage for you. This applies to both the communication with the PLC and the utilization of network variables as well as the CANopen function components in the PLC program. How access to your PLC is done – locally or as remote maintenance – is your decision. Choose between RS232, CAN-bus or Ethernet – for a maximum of communication.

In the working-process, OpenPCS supports you in accessing the PLC resources in the field layer through definition of connections. Depending on your project configuration, you can then assign the manner of remote maintenance of the access to each resource individually. You decide, whether OpenPCS the source code is stored along with the actual program on the PLC and so enables subsequent reverse documentation. This is always useful, when service or customer care associates are to carry out changes or parameterization of a system in the field.


CAN 和 CANopen

接口和网关 Ethernet POWERLINK


模块按应用分类 模块按架构分类
操作系统层可编程模块 IEC 61131-3 可编程模块 VHDL 可编程模块



CANopen I/O 模块 开发和配置工具





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020-3874 3032;13434369840 | sales@dgruijun.com | 广州虹科电子科技有限公司 | 版权所有 | 广州市科学城神舟路18号润慧科技园C栋6层    
