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    CANUSB 工程项目

    CAN Monitor for CANUSB with D2XX and CANUSB DLL.

    CAN Monitor Lite是WGSoft的一款免费软件。使用CANUSB API DLL(应用D2XX USB驱动器)以及Delphi 2005构建。包装内只包括了可执行文件,没有源文件。这意味着必须安装带有D2XX驱动器的CANUSB,以及下载CANUSB DLL(详见下载)。这款软件可以免费提供、免费使用。这是一款非常好的记录并发送11位CAN帧的发送软件。




     WGSoft CAN Monitor Ver. 1.00

     Free CAN Bootloader for Microchip dsPIC 30F601A/30F4012 made by bylogix s.r.l. Italy. The project is supported by the manufacturer only and we (canusb.com) cannot give any support related answers on this project.

    You can read more about this project here.

    CANopen Library for CANUSB made and supported by Hagströms utbildning & konsult, Sweden. It is availible as open source (GPL v.3.0) or commercial licence. Contact Hagströms directly for support and sales at www.canopen.nu. Below you can dowload the PDF Documentation and a ZIP file containing the project. Right now we (canusb.com) cannot answer any support related questions on this project.

     Documentation (API)

     Project (Source code package)

     jCAN, Open Source JAVA support for CANUSB can be found here. Right now we (canusb.com) cannot answer any support related questions on this project, so contact the maker for support.

    If you have any projects made with CANUSB and want to display them here, please contact us and we will be happy to put them here either on our server or a link to yours. It could be for Visual Basic, Delphi, C, C++, Linux, Windows, PDA's or other embedded projects. It doesn't need to include source code (though we like that). It could be an executable, picture or a story. We will give you full credit for the work. Use the e-mail below to contact us, just make sure you replace the [AT] to @ and the [DOT] to a period. We use this to minimize SPAM robots to search for valid e-mail adresses.


       020-3874 4528 ; 3874 4538 | sales@dgruijun.com | 广州虹科电子科技有限公司 | 版权所有 | 广州市科学城神舟路18号润慧科技园C栋6层